Saturday, January 28, 2006

Last one, I promise.

I need to stop this. But as long as I'm not, I wouldn't mind some C & C. ::puppy eyes::

Thursday, January 26, 2006

This will consume me

Praise the lord for the Opacity tool. This is the first thing I've ever succesfully colored on the computer. I might do some color comics, but don't get your hopes up. Oh, and BB=Bug Boy, or possiblly Bigfoot Bug.

I can't do anything but draw these bug things. Seriously. I blame Creature Tech. I have Interesting Things to Say, but I don't want to say em below a quickie sketch. Nope, this is just too special.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Everyone knows it's Windyyy!

Midterms! Whooo! Half Days filled with horrible cranial beatings! Caramel!