Saturday, November 19, 2005

I do not like Scientology

*I know I spelled it "Rsychic". I meant to. I'm creating a new language. Sorry if your mind got blown.(not really)

So the apocalypse is coming and it's all your fault.

It was just an accident. You didn't know the tenth forbidden incantion of the tome of Al'Shaggarath would bring the hellbeasts to the East Coast. You just thought it was a party game. (You were pretty drunk.) Oh well. Go home and check on your dog. He'll have changed into a maggot infested, 10 foot tall monster by now, but be sure to fill his water bowl anyways. Call all your exes up. Tell them all the horrible things you did during the relationships. (Just make stuff up if you don't have anything.) Pick a fight with a very large man. (And 4 of his friends)Oh, it wasn't the apocalypse after all. Tough luck.


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