Monday, November 21, 2005

Uuugh, labels.

*I'll probably do more of these at some point. I think I ended up having too much fun writing this, so I didn't finish the comic that was originally supposed to go up today. THIS IS OKAY. Don't judge me whitey. Oh, and that song in the last panel is "Martian Girl" by the Aquabats.

So you accidentally punched the president in the stomach

Lucky you. You had an invite to the election day party for the Republican candidate. Just as the news channel was beginning to announce the ballots, your friend George joked you about your new girlfriend. You drunkenly swung at him, but he easily jumped aside. You didn't notice this. You felt contact and started lauging as the victim fell to the floor. On the news, they announced he new president of the United States to be your host. The man in fetal position at your feet weakly whispered "hooray", and then passed out. Someone half-heartedly uncorked a bottle of champagnem, the fizzy spray dripping on the newly elected president of the United Sates.

Sure, you'll have to move to Colombia to escape the death penalty for treason, but you just sucker-punched the most powerful man in the world! Pat yourself on the back!

Then run.


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