Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Breaking News: Irony Gun Continues to do Ironic things
Experts baffled

*Doing a daily comic actually seems to be easier than a bi-monthly one. Once you get rid of the humor and quality, it's pretty much cake. And if one more person asks me about that Walrus-molestation-Unicorn comic, I am going to be miffed. Miffed. Then I'll do it, because I have no spine.

And if you would consider buying a shirt with a pink AK-47 shooting rainbows, y'know, tell me. I need some cash for my operation, and gills don't come cheap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

irony gun shirt? i would if i (a) had money (b) could get said money to you, and (c) didnt think that a pink gun shooting rainbows might be interperted as something other then heterosexual. not that theres anything wrong with that

7:22 PM  
Blogger jonathannn said...

It take someone completely secure in their masculinity to wear a pink rainbow gun shirt. ZOMG!!!!!11 UR TEH GHEY RTEARD!!!!!!!!11 ROFLMAOWABSUMAEGTC!!!!!!

. . . I feel like I just punched GOD in the infinite genitalia. How do those noob people stand this?

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe. Remember when I deflowered your comic?

Yeah, it was great. xD

Also, I totally would buy an irony gun shirt *nod*

12:41 AM  
Blogger jonathannn said...

irony- n, (L. ironia) a combination of circumstances that is the opposite of what is or what might be expected or considered appropriate

7:31 PM  

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